diff doc/src/irccdctl.md @ 607:bb9771fb5f44

Docs: rework documentation - Change directories, - Remove handwritten manual pages.
author David Demelier <markand@malikania.fr>
date Fri, 08 Dec 2017 20:11:22 +0100
children ebe561276c33
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/src/irccdctl.md	Fri Dec 08 20:11:22 2017 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+% irccdctl
+% David Demelier
+% 2017-12-08
+The `irccdctl` utility let you control a running `irccd` instance.
+# Synopsis
+    usage: irccdctl plugin-config plugin [variable] [value]
+           irccdctl plugin-info plugin
+           irccdctl plugin-list
+           irccdctl plugin-load logger
+           irccdctl plugin-reload plugin
+           irccdctl plugin-unload plugin
+           irccdctl rule-list
+           irccdctl server-connect [options] id host [port]
+           irccdctl server-disconnect [server]
+           irccdctl server-info server
+           irccdctl server-invite server nickname channel
+           irccdctl server-join server channel [password]
+           irccdctl server-kick server target channel [reason]
+           irccdctl server-list
+           irccdctl server-me server target message
+           irccdctl server-message server target message
+           irccdctl server-mode server mode
+           irccdctl server-nick server nickname
+           irccdctl server-notice server target message
+           irccdctl server-part server channel [reason]
+           irccdctl server-reconnect [server]
+           irccdctl server-topic server channel topic
+           irccdctl watch [-f|--format json|native]
+# Syntax
+The general syntax for running an irccdctl command is:
+    irccdctl commandname arg1 arg2 arg3 ... argn
+# Shell escaping issue
+Some shells may discard arguments if they begins with a hash. For instance,
+`bash` will not understand the following command:
+    $ irccdctl server-join localhost #staff
+Instead, enclose the arguments with quotes
+    $ irccdctl server-join localhost "#staff"
+# Commands
+## plugin-config
+Get or set a plugin configuration variable.
+If both variable and value are provided, sets the plugin configuration to the
+respective variable name and value.
+If only variable is specified, shows its current value. Otherwise, list all
+variables and their values.
+### Usage
+    $ irccdctl plugin-config plugin [variable] [value]
+### Example
+    $ irccdctl plugin-config ask
+## plugin-info
+Get plugin information.
+### Usage
+    $ irccdctl plugin-info name
+### Example
+    $ irccdctl plugin-info ask
+## plugin-list
+Get the list of all loaded plugins.
+### Usage
+    $ irccdctl plugin-list
+## plugin-load
+Load a plugin into the irccd instance.
+### Usage
+    $ irccdctl plugin-load plugin
+### Example
+$ irccdctl load ask
+## plugin-reload
+Reload a plugin by calling the appropriate onReload event, the plugin is not
+unloaded and must be already loaded.
+### Usage
+    $ irccdctl plugin-reload name
+### Example
+    $ irccdctl plugin-reload logger
+## plugin-unload
+Unload a loaded plugin from the irccd instance.
+### Usage
+    $ irccdctl plugin-unload name
+### Example
+    $ irccdctl plugin-unload logger
+## rule-add
+Add a new rule to irccd.
+If no index is specified, the rule is added to the end.
+### Usage
+    $ irccdctl rule-add [options] accept|drop
+Available options:
+  - **-c, --add-channel**: match a channel
+  - **-e, --add-event**: match an event
+  - **-i, --index**: rule position
+  - **-p, --add-plugin**: match a plugin
+  - **-s, --add-server**: match a server
+### Example
+    $ irccdctl rule-add -p hangman drop
+    $ irccdctl rule-add -s localhost -c #games -p hangman accept
+## rule-edit
+Edit an existing rule in irccd.
+All options can be specified multiple times.
+Available options:
+  - **a, --action**: set action
+  - **c, --add-channel**: match a channel
+  - **C, --remove-channel**: remove a channel
+  - **e, --add-event**: match an event
+  - **E, --remove-event**: remove an event
+  - **p, --add-plugin**: match a plugin
+  - **P, --add-plugin**: remove a plugin
+  - **s, --add-server**: match a server
+  - **S, --remove-server**: remove a server
+### Usage
+    usage: irccdctl rule-edit [options] index
+### Example
+    $ irccdctl rule-edit -p hangman 0
+    $ irccdctl rule-edit -S localhost -c #games -p hangman 1
+## rule-info
+Show a rule.
+### Usage
+    $ irccdctl rule-info index
+### Example
+    $ irccdctl rule-info 0
+    $ irccdctl rule-info 1
+## rule-list
+List all rules.
+### Usage
+    $ irccdctl rule-list
+## rule-move
+Move a rule from the given source at the specified destination index.
+The rule will replace the existing one at the given destination moving
+down every other rules. If destination is greater or equal the number of rules,
+the rule is moved to the end.
+### Usage
+    irccdctl rule-move source destination
+### Example
+    irccdctl rule-move 0 5
+    irccdctl rule-move 4 3
+## rule-remove
+Remove an existing rule.
+### Usage
+    $ irccdctl rule-remove index
+### Example
+    $ irccdctl rule-remove 0
+    $ irccdctl rule-remove 1
+## server-connect
+Connect to a new IRC server.
+### Usage
+    $ irccdctl server-connect [options] name host port
+Available options:
+  - **-c, --command**: specify the command char
+  - **-n, --nickname**: specify a nickname
+  - **-r, --realname**: specify a real name
+  - **-S, --ssl-verify**: verify SSL
+  - **-s, --ssl**: connect using SSL
+  - **-u, --username**: specify a user name
+### Example
+    $ irccdctl server-connect -n jean example irc.example.org
+    $ irccdctl server-connect --ssl example irc.example.org 6697
+## server-disconnect
+Disconnect from a server.
+If server is not specified, irccd disconnects all servers.
+### Usage
+    $ irccdctl server-disconnect [server]
+### Example
+    $ irccdctl server-disconnect
+    $ irccdctl server-disconnect localhost
+## server-invite
+Invite the specified target on the channel.
+### Usage
+    $ irccdctl server-invite server nickname channel
+### Example
+    $ irccdctl server-invite freenode xorg62 #staff
+## server-join
+Join the specified channel, the password is optional.
+### Usage
+    $ irccdctl server-join server channel [password]
+### Example
+    $ irccdctl server-join freenode #test
+    $ irccdctl server-join freenode #private-club secret
+## server-kick
+Kick the specified target from the channel, the reason is optional.
+### Usage
+    $ irccdctl server-kick server target channel [reason]
+### Example
+    $ irccdctl kick freenode jean #staff "Stop flooding"
+## server-list
+Get the list of all connected servers.
+### Usage
+    $ irccdctl server-list
+## server-me
+Send an action emote.
+### Usage
+    $ irccdctl server-me server target message
+### Example
+    $ irccdctl server-me freenode #staff "going back soon"
+## server-message
+Send a message to the specified target or channel.
+### Usage
+    $ irccdctl server-message server target message
+### Example
+    $ irccdctl server-message freenode #staff "Hello from irccd"
+## server-mode
+Set channel or irccd's user mode.
+### Usage
+    $ server-mode server channel mode [limit] [user] [mask]
+### Example
+    $ irccdctl server-mode local irccd +i       # set user mode to +i
+    $ irccdctl server-mode local #staff +o jean # enable operator for jean
+## server-nick
+Change irccd's nickname.
+### Usage
+    $ irccdctl server-nick server nickname
+### Example
+    $ irccdctl server-nick freenode david
+## server-notice
+Send a private notice to the specified target.
+### Usage
+    $ irccdctl server-notice server target message
+### Example
+    $ irccdctl server-notice freenode jean "I know you are here."
+## server-part
+Leave the specified channel, the reason is optional.
+**Warning**: not all IRC servers support giving a reason to leave a channel, do
+             not specify it if this is a concern.
+### Usage
+    $ irccdctl server-part server channel [reason]
+### Example
+    $ irccdctl server-part freenode #staff
+    $ irccdctl server-part freenode #botwar "too noisy"
+## server-reconnect
+Force reconnection of one or all servers.
+If server is not specified, all servers will try to reconnect.
+### Usage
+    $ irccdctl server-reconnect [server]
+### Example
+    $ irccdctl server-reconnect
+    $ irccdctl server-reconnect wanadoo
+## server-topic
+Change the topic of the specified channel.
+### Usage
+    $ irccdctl server-topic server channel topic
+### Example
+    $ irccdctl server-topic freenode #wmfs "This is the best channel"
+## watch
+Start watching irccd events.
+You can use different output formats, native is human readable format, json is
+pretty formatted json.
+### Usage
+    $ irccdctl watch [-f|--format native|json]
+### Example
+    $ irccdctl watch
+    $ irccdctl watch -f json