view doc/src/ @ 666:c99780476eb7

Misc: rework networking The network_stream and irc classes do not assume that owner is alive anymore by keeping handlers before end of block. Instead, callers postpone deletion of themselves when required to allow handler finishing correctly. Capture all exceptions that can happen in network_stream to make sure handler is called as appropriate in any case. Do the same in irc class. Create a dedicated on_disconnect event in server class which is emitted when the server gets disconnected but is not dead yet.
author David Demelier <>
date Fri, 06 Apr 2018 13:44:20 +0200
parents bb9771fb5f44
line wrap: on
line source

% networking API
% David Demelier
% 2017-12-08

This guide will help you controlling irccd via sockets.

Currently, irccd supports internet and unix sockets, you need at least one
transport defined in your **irccd.conf**.

# Syntax

Irccd use JSON as protocol for sending and receiving data. A message must ends
with `\r\n\r\n` to be complete, thus it's possible to write JSON messages in
multiple lines.

For example, this buffer will be parsed as two different messages.

<div class="alert alert-success" role="alert">
**Example**: two commands issued

  "param1": "value1"

  "param1": "value1"


Warning: please note that the `\r\n\r\n` characters are the escape characters of
         line feed and new line, not the concatenation of `\` and `r`.

## Responses

All commands emit a response with the following properties:

  - **command**: (string) the result of the issued command,
  - **error**: (int) the error error code, not defined on success.

## Examples

Success message.

  "command": "server-message",

Command returned an error.

  "command": "server-message",
  "status": "error",
  "error": "4001"

# List of all commands

The following commands are available. Please note that a lot of commands require
a server as the first argument, it’s one of defined in the **irccd.conf** file
in the server section.

## server-connect

Connect to a server.

## Properties

  - **command**: (string) "server-connect",
  - **name**: (string) the server unique id,
  - **host**: (string) the host address,
  - **port**: (int) the port number (Optional, default: 6667),
  - **ssl**: (bool) use SSL (Optional, default: false),
  - **sslVerify**: (bool) verify SSL (Optional, default: false),
  - **nickname**: (string) the nickname to use (Optional, default: irccd),
  - **username**: (string) the user name to use (Optional, default: irccd),
  - **realname**: (string) the real name to use
    (Optional, default: IRC Client Daemon),
  - **ctcpVersion**: (string) the CTCP Version to answer
    (Optional, default: the irccd's version),
  - **commandChar**: (string) the command character to use to invoke commands
    (Optional, default: !),
  - **reconnectTries**: (int) the number of reconnection to try
    (Optional, default: -1),
  - **reconnectTimeout**: (int) the number of seconds to wait before retrying to
    connect (Optional, default: 30).

## Example

  "command": "server-connect",
  "name": "myserver",
  "host": "localhost",
  "nickname": "edouard"

## server-disconnect

Disconnect from a server.

If server is not specified, irccd disconnects all servers.

## Properties

  - **command**: (string) "server-disconnect",
  - **server**: (string) the server unique id (Optional, default: none).

## Example

  "command": "server-disconnect",
  "server": "myserver"

## server-info

Get server information.

## Properties

  - **command**: (string) "server-info",
  - **server**: (string) the server unique id.

## Example

  "command": "server-info",
  "server": "myserver"

## Responses

  - **name**: (string) the server unique id,
  - **host**: (string) the server hostname,
  - **port**: (int) the port,
  - **ipv6**: (bool) true if using IPv6,
  - **ssl**: (bool) true if connection is using SSL,
  - **sslVerify**: (bool) true if SSL was verified,
  - **channels**: (string list) list of channels.
  - **nickname**: (string) the current nickname in use,
  - **username**: (string) the username in use,
  - **realname**: (string) the realname in use.

## server-invite

Invite the specified target on the channel.

## Properties

  - **command**: (string) "server-invite",
  - **server**: (string) the server unique id,
  - **target**: (string) the nickname to invite,
  - **channel**: (string) the channel.

## Example

  "command": "server-invite",
  "server": "myserver",
  "target": "edouard",
  "channel": "#staff"

## server-join

Join the specified channel, the password is optional.

## Properties

  - **command**: (string) "server-join",
  - **server**: (string) the server unique id,
  - **channel**: (string) the channel to join,
  - **password**: (string) the password (Optional, default: none).

## Example

  "command": "server-join",
  "server": "myserver",
  "channel": "#games"

## server-kick

Kick the specified target from the channel, the reason is optional.

## Properties

  - **command**: (string) "server-kick",
  - **server**: (string) the server unique id,
  - **target**: (string) the target nickname,
  - **channel**: (string) the channel,
  - **reason**: (string) the reason (Optional, default: none).

## Example

  "command": "server-kick",
  "server": "myserver",
  "target": "edouard",
  "channel": "#staff",
  "reason": "please be nice"

## server-list

Get the list of all connected servers.

## Properties

- **command**: (string) "server-list".

## Example

  "command": "server-list"

## Responses

  - The following properties:
    - **list**: (string list) the list of all server unique ids.

## server-me

Send an action emote.

## Properties

  - **command**: (string) "server-me",
  - **server**: (string) the server unique id,
  - **target**: (string) the target or channel,
  - **message**: (string) the message.

## Example

  "command": "server-me",
  "server": "myserver",
  "channel": "#staff",
  "message": "like that"

## server-message

Send a message to the specified target or channel.

## Properties

  - **command**: (string) "server-message",
  - **server**: (string) the server unique id,
  - **target**: (string) the target or channel,
  - **message**: (string) the message.

## Example

  "command": "server-message",
  "server": "myserver",
  "target": "#staff",
  "message": "this channel is nice"

## server-mode

Set the irccd's user mode.

## Properties

  - **command**: (string) "server-mode",
  - **server**: (string) the server unique id,
  - **mode**: (string) the mode.

## Example

  "command": "server-mode",
  "server": "myserver",
  "mode": "mode"

## server-nick

Change irccd's nickname.

## Properties

  - **command**: (string) "server-nick",
  - **server**: (string) the server unique id,
  - **nickname**: (string) the new nickname.

## Example

  "command": "server-nick",
  "server": "myserver",
  "nickname": "edouard"

## server-notice

Send a private notice to the specified target.

## Properties

  - **command**: (string) "server-notice",
  - **server**: (string) the server unique id,
  - **target**: (string) the target,
  - **message**: (string) the notice message.

## Example

  "command": "server-notice",
  "server": "myserver",
  "target": "edouard",
  "message": "hello dude"

## server-part

Leave the specified channel, the reason is optional.

Not all IRC servers support giving a reason to leave a channel, do not specify
it if this is a concern.

## Properties

  - **command**: (string) "server-part",
  - **server**: (string) the unique server id,
  - **channel**: (string) the channel to leave,
  - **reason**: (string) the reason (Optional, default: none).

## Example

  "command": "server-part",
  "server": "myserver",
  "channel": "#staff",
  "reason": "the reason"

## server-reconnect

Force reconnection of one or all servers.

If server is not specified, all servers will try to reconnect.

## Properties

  - **command**: (string) "server-reconnect",
  - **server**: (string) the server unique id (Optional, default: none).

## Example

  "command": "server-reconnect",
  "server": "myserver"

## server-topic

Change the topic of the specified channel.

## Properties

  - **command**: (string) "server-topic",
  - **server**: (string) the unique server id,
  - **channel**: (string) the channel,
  - **topic**: (string) the new topic.

## Example

  "command": "server-topic",
  "server": "myserver",
  "channel": "#staff",
  "topic": "the new topic"