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Irccdctl: add missing command property
author David Demelier <>
date Tue, 10 Jul 2018 21:22:00 +0200
parents 0dd4fb9dfcc8
children bd12709b1975
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% irccd.conf
% David Demelier
% 2017-12-08

Both `irccd` and `irccdctl` use configuration file in a extended [INI][ini]

# General syntax

The file syntax has following rules:

  1. Each option is stored in a section,
  2. Some sections may be redefined multiple times,
  3. Empty option must have quotes (e.g. `option = ""`).

# The @include statement

Irccd adds an extension to this format by adding an `@include` keyword which
let you splitting your configuration file.

Note: this `@include` statement must be at the beginning of the file and must be
      surrounded by quotes if the file name has spaces.

You can use both relative or absolute paths. If relative paths are used, they
are relative to the current file being parsed.

## Example

@include "rules.conf"
@include "servers.conf"

myoption = "1"

# The list construct

When requested, an option can have multiples values in a list. The syntax uses
parentheses and values are separated by commas.

If the list have only one value, you can just use a simple string.

## Examples

servers = ( "server1", "server2" )

servers = "only-one-server"

Note: spaces are completely optional.

Options that have a default value are optional and can be omitted.

# Identifiers

Some sections require an identifier (specified as id) as parameter. They must be
unique, not empty and can only contain characters, numbers, '-' and '_'.


  - abc
  - server-tz2

# The logs section

This section can let you configure how irccd should log the messages.

The available options:

  - **verbose**: (bool) be verbose (Optional, default: false),
  - **type**: (string) which kind of logging, console, file or syslog
    (Optional, default: console).

The options for **file** type:

  - **path-logs**: (string) path to the normal messages,
  - **path-errors**: (string) path to the error messages.

**Note:** syslog is not available on all platforms.

## Example

type = file
verbose = true
path-logs = "/var/log/irccd/log.txt"
path-errors = "/var/log/irccd/errors.txt"

# The format section

The format section let you change the irccd's output. It uses the templates

Only one keyword is defined, `message` which contains the message that irccd
wants to output.

**Note:** colors and attributes are not supported on Windows.

The available options:

  - **debug**: (string) template to use to format debug messages
    (Optional, default: none),
  - **info**: (string) template to use to format information messages
    (Optional, default: none),
  - **warning**: (string) template to use to format warnings
    (Optional, default: none).

## Example

debug = "%H:%M debug: #{message}"
info = "%H:%M info: #{message}"
warning = "%H:%M warning: #{message}"

# The identity section

This section is completely optional, if you don't provide one, irccd will use a
default identity with your system account name as nickname and username. If
irccd was unable to get your account name, it uses **irccd** as a fallback.

This section is redefinable, you can create one or more.

The available options:

  - **name**: (id) the identity unique id,
  - **nickname**: (string) the nickname
    (Optional, default: system username if available or irccd),
  - **realname**: (string) the realname
    (Optional, default: IRC Client Daemon),
  - **username**: (string) the username name
    (Optional, default: system username if available or irccd),
  - **ctcp-version**: (string) what version to respond to CTCP VERSION
    (Optional, default: IRC Client Daemon).

## Example

name = "default"
nickname = "jean"

name = "development"
nickname = "unstable"
username = "un"

# The server section

This section is used to connect to one or more server.

This section is redefinable, you can create one or more.

The available options:

  - **name**: (id) the unique id,
  - **host**: (string) the server address,
  - **port**: (int) the server port (Optional, default: 6667),
  - **identity**: (string) an identity to use
    (Optional, default: irccd's default),
  - **password**: (string) an optional password
    (Optional, default: none),
  - **join-invite**: (bool) join channels upon invitation
    (Optional, default: false),
  - **channels**: (list) list of channels to auto join
    (Optional, default: empty),
  - **command-char**: (string) the prefix for invoking special commands
    (Optional, default: !),
  - **ssl**: (bool) enable or disable SSL (Optional, default: false),
  - **ssl-verify**: (bool) verify the SSL certificates
    (Optional, default: true),
  - **reconnect**: (bool) enable reconnection after failure
    (Optional, default: true),
  - **reconnect-tries**: (int) number of tries before giving up. A value of
    -1 means indefinitely (Optional, default: -1),
  - **reconnect-timeout**: (int) number of seconds to wait before retrying
    (Optional, default: 30),
  - **ping-timeout** (int) number of seconds before ping timeout
    (Optional, default: 300).

**Note:** if a channel requires a password, add it after a colon
          (e.g. "#channel:password").

## Example

name = "local"
host = "localhost"
port = 6667
channels = ( "#staff", "#club:secret" )

# The paths section

The paths section defines common paths used as defaults for all plugins.

Any option in this section can be defined altough the following are used as
common convention used in all plugins:

  - **cache**: (string) path for data files written by the plugin,
  - **data**: (string) path for data files provided by the user,
  - **config**: (string) path for additional configuration from the user.

For each of these paths, **plugin/name** is appended with the appropriate
plugin name when loaded.

The section is redefinable per plugin basis using the `[paths.<plugin>]` syntax.

## Example

# Common for all plugins.
# Example with ask plugin:
#   cache  -> /var/cache/irccd/plugin/ask
#   config -> /usr/local/etc/irccd/plugin/ask
#   data   -> /var/data/irccd/plugin/ask
cache = "/var/cache/irccd"
config = "/usr/local/etc/irccd"
data = "/var/data/irccd"

# Explicit override for plugin hangman.
config = "/etc/hangman"

# The plugins section

This section is used to load plugins.

Just add any key you like to load a plugin. If the value is not specified, the
plugin is searched through the standard directories, otherwise, provide the full
path (including the .js extension).

**Warning:** remember to add an empty string for searching plugins.

## Example

history = ""
myplugin = /tmp/myplugin.js

The `history` plugin will be searched while `myplugin` will be load from

# The transport section

This section defines transports, you may use sockets to do a basic IPC system
within irccd.

With transports, you can may ask `irccd` to send a message, a notice or even
kicking someone from a channel. Irccd will also notify all clients connected to
this transport on IRC events.

There are two type of listeners availables:

  1. Internet sockets, IPv4 and IPv6,
  2. Unix sockets, based on files (not available on Windows).

The available options:

  - **type**: (string) type of listener "ip" or "unix".
  - **password**: (string) an authentication password (Optional, default: none).

The options for **ip** type:

  - **port**: (int) port number,
  - **address**: (string) address to bind or "\*" for any
    (Optional, default: \*),
  - **family**: (list) ipv6, ipv4. Both are accepted (Optional, default: ipv4),
  - **ssl**: (bool) enable SSL (Optional, default: false),
  - **key**: (string) path to private key file (Optional, default: none),
  - **certificate**: (string) path to certificate (Optional, default: none).

The options for **unix** type:

  - **path**: (string) the file path to the socket.

## Example of internet transports

type = "ip"
address = "*"
family = ( "ipv4", "ipv6" )
port = 9999

This will let you controlling irccd on port 9999 with both IPv4 and IPv6

**Warning**: consider using internet sockets with care, especially if you are
             running your bot on a server with multiple users. If your bot has
             operator rights and you bind on any address, almost every users
             can do a kick or a ban.

## Example of unix transports

type = "unix"
path = "/tmp/irccd.sock"

This will let you controlling irccd on path **/tmp/irccd.sock**, the file is
automatically deleted when irccd starts, but not when it stops.

# The rule section

The rule section is one of the most powerful within irccd configuration. It let
you enable or disable plugins and IRC events for specific criterias. For
instance, you may want to disable a plugin only for a specific channel on a
specific server. And because rules are evaluated in the order they are defined,
you can override rules.

The available options:

  - **servers**, (list) a list of servers that will match the rule
    (Optional, default: empty),
  - **channels**, (list) a list of channel (Optional, default: empty),
  - **plugins**, (list) which plugins (Optional, default: empty),
  - **events**, (list) which events (e.g onCommand, onMessage, ...)
    (Optional, default: empty),
  - **action**, (string) set to **accept** or **drop**.

## Basic rules example

This first rule disable the plugin reboot on **all** servers and channels.

plugins = "reboot"
action = drop

This rule enable the reboot plugin again on the server **localhost**,
channel **#staff**.

servers = "localhost"
channels = "#staff"
plugins = "reboot"
action = accept

# Full example of configuration file

# Add a transport that bind only to IPv6.
type = ip
family = ipv6
port = 12000

# A transport that binds to both IPv4 and IPv6.
type = ip
family = ( ipv4, ipv6 )
port = 15000

# Identity reused by many servers.
name = "myIdentity"
nickname = "superbot"
realname = "SuperBot v1.0"
username = "sp"

# A server.
name = "foo"
host = ""
port = "6667"
identity = myIdentity

# An other server.
name = "wanadoo"
host = ""
port = "6667"
identity = myIdentity

# Load some plugins.
ask = ""                               # Search ask
myplugin = /path/to/myplugin.js        # Use absolute path
