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author David Demelier <>
date Wed, 10 Mar 2021 18:39:50 +0100
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# Module: drawable


#include <core/drawable.h>

Automatic drawable objects.

This module allows creating automatic objects that draw theirselves into the
screen and vanish once complete. They could be considered as lightweight
alternatives to [actions](, however in contrast to them, drawables do
have a position.

## Macros


Maximum number of drawable in a unique [drawable_stack](#drawable_stack).

#define DRAWABLE_STACK_MAX      128

## Structs

### drawable

Abstract drawable object.

| Field             | Access | Type                                        |
| [data](#data)     | (+&?)  | `void *`                                    |
| [x](#x)           | (+)    | `int`                                       |
| [y](#y)           | (+)    | `int`                                       |
| [update](#update) | (+?)   | `bool (*)(struct drawable *, unsigned int)` |
| [draw](#draw)     | (+?)   | `void (*)(struct drawable *)`               |
| [end](#end)       | (+?)   | `void (*)(struct drawable *)`               |
| [finish](#finish) | (+?)   | `void (*)(struct drawable *)`               |

#### data

Optional drawable data.

#### x, y

Position on screen.

#### update

Update the drawable `self` with the `ticks` since last frame. The callback
should return true if it is considered complete.

bool (*update)(struct drawable *self, unsigned int ticks)

#### draw

Draw the drawable `self`.

void (*draw)(struct drawable *self)

#### end

Called with the drawable `self` when it was completed.

This callback is mostly provided to allow the user doing something else once an
drawable is complete. Predefined drawable should not use this callback by

void (*end)(struct drawable *self)

#### finish

Destroy internal resources for the drawable `self`.

void (*finish)(struct drawable *self)

### drawable\_stack

Stack of drawable objects.

This stack of drawable object can be used to store drawable objects within a
specific transition (state, battle, menu, etc).

You can add, clear, update and draw them.

| Field               | Access | Type                                    |
| [objects](#objects) | (+&?)  | `struct drawable *[DRAWABLE_STACK_MAX]` |

#### objects

Non-owning array of drawables to manage.

## Functions

### drawable\_update

Invoke and return the `dw` [update callback](#update) with the given event `ev`
and `ticks` since last frame if it is not NULL.

drawable_update(struct drawable *dw, unsigned int ticks)

### drawable\_draw

Invoke the `dw` [draw callback](#draw) if it is not NULL.

drawable_draw(struct drawable *dw)

### drawable\_end

Invoke the `dw` [end callback](#end) if it is not NULL.

drawable_end(struct drawable *dw)

### drawable\_finish

Invoke the `dw` [finish callback](#finish) if it is not NULL.

drawable_finish(struct drawable *dw)

### drawable\_stack\_init

Initalize the drawable stack `st`.

!!! note
    It is unnecessary if the object was zero'ed.

drawable_stack_init(struct drawable_stack *st)

### drawable\_stack\_add

Add the drawable `dw` to the stack pointed by `st`. Returns true if there was
enough room to insert.

drawable_stack_add(struct drawable_stack *st, struct drawable *dw)

### drawable\_stack\_update

Update all drawables with `ticks` since last frame in the stack `st`.

drawable_stack_update(struct drawable_stack *st, unsigned int ticks)

### drawable\_stack\_draw

Draw all drawables in the stack `st`.

drawable_stack_draw(const struct drawable_stack *st)

### drawable\_stack\_completed

Tells if there is any pending drawable in the stack `st`. Returns true if there
are no drawables or if they have all completed.

drawable_stack_completed(const struct drawable_stack *st)

### drawable\_stack\_finish

Terminate all drawables and clear the stack `st`.

drawable_stack_finish(struct drawable_stack *st)